Learning How to Learn

作者 杜梦杰 日期 2016-10-10
Learning How to Learn




本课程让你轻松地掌握艺术、音乐、文学、数学、科学、体育及大量其他学科专家使用的、宝贵的学习技巧。我们将学习大脑如何使用两种不同的学习模式,以及大脑如何压缩 (“chunk”)信息。我们还将认识能力错觉(illusions of learning),了解记忆技巧,克服拖延症,学习通过研究表明能帮助我们掌握困难科目的方法。 无论您在所学领域的专业水平如何,您都可以使用这些方法,改变自己的思维模式,重塑自己的人生。如果您已经是所学领域的专家,通过学习大脑认知的底层知识,您可以进一步提高自己的学习能力,您还将了解反直觉的考试技巧和见解,可以帮助您更高效地完成作业和习题。如果您是所学领域的初学者,在这里您可以系统地掌握有效的学习技巧,走上学习的正轨。如果您想要提高任何技能,这门课程可以作为您的指南。

Week 1: Focusd Thinking & Diffuse Thinking


You can only have one pattern at the same time.

Metaphor and analogy are helpful when you try to learn something new.



  1. 每天进步一点点
  2. 复习的时间分隔开
  3. 睡前复习或思考

Week 2:Chunk

A chunk means a network of neurons that are used to firing together so you can think a form or perform action smoothly and effectively.


How to form a chunk

  1. Focus your undivided attention on the information you want to chunk
  2. Understanding of the basic idea
  3. Gain context, so you can see not just how but when to use this chunk.

Only doing it yourself helps create the neural patterns that underlie true mastery.

Practice to help you gain mastery and a sense of the big picture context.

The Importance of Recall

学习一本书最好的方法不是reread, 而是recall

Illusions of Competence

  1. 看别人的答案就以为自己会了
  2. 划线和高亮要谨慎,保持在最少

Week 3:Procrastination & Memory

Habits have four parts

1.The Cue 2.The Routine 3.The Reward 4.The Belief


刚开始学习时有消极情绪很正常,但要正确处理focus on process not product

Deal with Procrastination

  1. 每周写下本周的任务,每晚制定出明天的任务,计划
  2. Eat your frog first
  3. Keep a planner journal
  4. Commit yourself to certain routines and tasks
  5. Delay rewards until you finish the task
  6. Watch for procrastination cues
  7. Gain trust in your new system
  8. Have backup plans for when you still procrastination

Memory Tricks

  1. 艾宾浩斯记忆曲线
  2. Creating Meaningful groups and the Memory Palace

Week 4:Renaissance Learning and Unlocking your Potential


  1. Physical Exercise
  2. Practice makes Perfect
  3. 在学习中使用类比和比喻